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Far Infrared Ray

In generally, doctor writes out a prescription  emphasize chromic healing so what diseases are wrote what medicine prescription. Everything is leaded on science.  Recently, hospital is in order to raise effect of healing so natural healing is famous gradually. Thus " Far Infrared Ray" becomes famous. What is Far Infrared Ray? No one can see and touch it. What kind of function it is. Let us enter the world of Far Infrared Ray to understand.

There had been a lot of document record the use of Far Infrared ray to heal or recover, and it had a important part of our life and history. As it surround as naturaly. NASA also have article regarding to the description of the Far Infrared ray, and it had been highly notice in the medical field.



The short call of "Far Infrared Ray"

F.I.R. energy is part of the invisable light, so we could not see it by naked eyes

It's Everywhere
Any object in the world that have higher temperature than absolute temperation would generate I.R. by itself